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Kupeza / Privacy


Welcome to kupeza.com a website owned by Kupeza Technology limited.

We operate the Kupeza listing and all associated listing buttons, registrations and the platform as a whole making listing on the site easy.

We provide this privacy policy to let you know what information we collect, how we use it, share it and protect it.


This privacy policy applies to the website located at www.kupeza.co.zm (here-in) referred to as (“the site”). The tools and content made available through the Kupeza online listing platform, as well as a number of related services collectively (“the services”).

As a general rule there are 3 types of users on the site, (“the agencies”) who are real estate companies legally registered with ZIEA (Zambia Institute Of Estate Agents) and manage estate agents. Then we have “the agents” who are equally registered with ZIEA and are managed by agencies that they fall under, these list properties and manage online listings and lastly we have “the End Users” who are individual visitors of the web-site that use the Kupeza platform to search for properties to rent or buy. By visiting the site you accept the policies and practices set forth in this privacy policy.

Kupeza complies with ZICTA regarding the collection, use and retention of personal information (as defined below) Kupeza has certified that it adheres to ZICTAs’ privacy principles of notice, choice, onward transfer, security, data integrity, access and enforcement.

We collect non-personally identifiable information from our site and use this information to deliver targeted advertising through our social pages on social networks and other media.

Privacy policy for visitors to the Kupeza site

The information we collect and how we use it:

The site is primarily directed to end-users who are searching for property to buy or rent , although we also welcome End users who just wish to know more about our services and who we are. We may collect the following information;

Personal Information

We collect personal information when you knowingly provide it. Including when you register for on the site, provide feedback or request information. Personal information is information that may be used to identify or locate individuals, i.e. a persons full names, postal address, email address, phone numbers as well as other non public information that is associated with this personal information. We use your personal information to administer your account and provide you services , to send communication and administrative emails, to respond to your inquiries and send marketing and update messages to those who ask for such messages. Typically, agencies and agents visit the site to register for the services and list their properties.

Non personally identifiable information

We collect non personally identifiable information automatically when you visit our site. Non- personally identifiable information is information that is not used nor intended to be used to personally identify or locate an individual and is not associated with nor linked to personal information. This non-personally identifiable information we collect via the site includes your internet protocol address, browser type, browser language, the date and time of your request, the last web page you visited prior to visiting our site.


We use cookies on this site. “cookies” are small pieces of information that a website sends to your computers’ web browser while you are viewing a site. We may use both session cookies (which expire once you close your web browser) and persistent cookies ( which stay on your computer until you delete them ) to provide you with a more personal and interactive experience. Persistent cookies can be deleted or blocked from your web browser. If you elect to block them you may not be able to access certain personalized sections of our services such as tailored listings. We also use cookies to improve the quality of our site to keep track of your login name, passwords and pages you have visited on the site and tailor content to your interests and to personalize the site on your behalf.

Information Sharing

We generally do not share personal information except as specifically directed or instructed.

We take reasonable security measures to protect against unauthorised alteration, disclosure or destruction of data. These include firewalls and encryption, internal reviews of our data collection, storage and processing practices and security measures, as well as physical security measures to guard against unauthorised access to systems.

We restrict access to personal information to the Kupeza’s employees, contractors and agents who need to know that information in order to operate, develop or improve our services. These individuals are bound by confidentiality and non disclosure obligations and may be subject to discipline including but not limited to termination, if they fail to meet these obligations.

However, we are unable to guarantee that the security measures we take will not be penetrated or compromised or that your information will remain secure under all circumstances.

We retain non-personally identifiable information on the site for up to five years. Any search settings we collect via the Kupeza registration forms are converted to non- personally identifiable information and the raw search data is stored on our server logs for up to 90 days. Aggregate reports generated from such information may be kept longer.

Kupeza technology limited processes data in a way that is compatible with and relevant for the purpose for which it was collected.


Kupeza will allow an individual access to their personal information to the extent it is available and allow the individual to correct, amend or delete inaccurate information except where the burden or expense of providing access would be dis-appropriate to the risks to the privacy of the individual in the case in question or where the rights of persons other than the individual would be violated. If you have provided personal information when registering for our site, you may access and modify that information at any time by visiting your account settings.

If you’d like us to update, correct, delete or deactivate any other personal information that you have provided us, please send your request to us at info@kupeza.co.zm and we will process your request within an appropriate time frame.


We do not knowingly collect or maintain person information from individuals who are under the age 13, and no part of our site or services are designed to attract people under such age. Protecting the privacy of children is something we take seriously. If we obtain knowledge that a user is under the age of 13, we will take steps to remove that users personal information from our databases.


This policy may be changed at any time at Kupeza Technology limited discretion. Should we update this policy we will post the updates to this page on our Website. This privacy policy was published November 15th 2019

Should any queries arise with regards this privacy policy, kindly direct them to info@kupeza.co.zm

KupezaTM Redefining The Real Estate Market Place!